Serving cottagers from Swift Rapids to Lock 42
The Sparrow Lake Association (SLA) was established in 1926 by a group of concerned and caring cottagers who thought an association should be established to look out for the best interests of all cottagers on the lake and the surrounding area and waterways. The SLA organizes events, advocates positions to various levels of government, and keeps cottagers informed on cottage related issues. The SLA also monitors environmental issues, to ensure the longevity of our ecosystem. Recent issues have included water levels, boating safety, shoreline development, and fish habitat.
Benefits for joining the Sparrow Lake Association are to meet fellow cottagers, who all own cottagers, and have been on the lake for various lengths of time. Communication among cottagers is vital for many reasons.
Benefits of Sparrow Lake Membership include:
Information Exchange – Stay informed & obtain information on key issues
SLA Newsletter and E-updates during the summer months; SLA website
Annual General Meeting – Keep up to date and discuss issues of concern
Boating Safety – SLA works with O.P.P. on safety issues; places markers on
rocks/hazards and promotes safe boating practices
Environment – Promote sustainable development; monitor water quality
Lake Development – Monitor zoning/bylaw issues in Severn/Muskoka townships
Choose Your
1 Year
3 Years
Send payment via E-transfer to: treasurersparrowlakeassn@gmail.com
Mail cheque to Sparrow Lake Association Attention: Treasurer
118 O’Connor Crescent,
Richmond Hill,
Ont. L4C 7R7