Who We Are
Here to Serve You
The Sparrow Lake Association (SLA) was established in 1926 by a group of concerned and caring cottagers who thought a committee should be established to look out for the best interests of all cottagers on the lake and surrounding area. The SLA has been in existence since that time, and has provided different services, organized events, advocated positions to various levels of government, and kept cottagers informed on cottage related topics.
The SLA, a not for profit corporation, is predominantly a social and environmental advocacy group. We organize events, that allow cottagers to come together, for social reasons. We also monitor environmental issues, to ensure the longevity of the lake. Recent issues have been water levels, boating safety, development, and fish habitat.
The SLA also works on projects for the safety and benefit of all cottagers. Water testing samples are done every summer, to test the water quality and are recorded with the Ministry of Natural Resources. We work in conjuntion with the O.P.P. (Ontario Provincial Police) to ensure water safety guidelines are understood by the boaters and enforced for the safety of all cottagers.

Bob Corbett
Bob Corbett has owned a cottage on Sparrow Lake for over 35 years and has been the President of SLA for over 4 years.

Judy Moore Vey
Judy Moore Vey has owned a cottage on Sparrow Lake for over 20 years but has cottaged on Sparrow Lake her entire life. Judy was Past President of SLA and has been Treasurer for over 10 years.

John Cooper
Water Safety & Director at large
John has had a cottage on Sparrow Lake for over 50 years. John is very involved in Community Affairs for the Town of Gravenhurst and has an extensive interest in water levels, water safety and water issues in general.

Meredith Oberfrank
Meredith has been coming to Sparrow Lake for almost 5 decades—since she was a newborn—her grandparents purchased their current cottage in the 1940s. Meredith participated in SLA regattas in 1978 and when they started up again in 1991.

“We're a small and growing associaton We look forward to meeting you and sharing our ideas and our association with all cottagers on Sparrow Lake. So what are you waiting for, let's meet​"
Bob Corbett, President, Sparrow Lake Association